IP Service
- Ready-for-sale IP service
- IP Layout & silicon implementation
- Just IP Agency, No own IP
- Foundation IP
- STD Cell Library, Memory ComplierDevelopment/Migration with ADTechnology
- IP Migration/Hardening
- IP Migration of between different Process Technologies
- IP Hardening by Auto P&R and/or Full Custom Layout
- 3rd Party IP Interface
- IP Company Sales Agent
- FABless/Chipless Company IP Sales Interface
Foundation IP
- Development/Migration of STD Cell Library, Memory Complier with ADTechnology
- Full Custom Layout Service of STD Cell Library, I/O Cell Library, Memory Complier
IP Migration
- IP Migration of between different Process Technologies
- Full Custom Layout Migration Service
- CKT Migration (Developing)
IP Hardening
- IP Hardening by Auto P&R and/or Full Custom Layout
- Using Datapath layout structures
- Delivers a high performance or high density implementation solution
3rd Party
IP Interface
IP Interface
- IP Sales agent of domestic and foreign 3rd party IP companies
- IP Distribution Service of Domestic FABless Company